well, that was something

US presidential debates have always been…wait, wrong approach. US presidential debates have NEVER been debates. I mean, a debate is a discussion, right? A discussion between individuals or groups about a particular topic or a related range of topics. When you sit around the coffee shop and have a convivial argument with your friends about the merits of film photography versus digital imagery, that’s a debate. When you sit in a bar and challenge your friend to prove that Star Wars has a more coherent universe than Star Trek, that’s a debate. These may be stupid debates, but they’re more true to the debate concept than whatever the fuck that was last night.

[Okay, I wrote this yesterday morning, then had a Squirrel Moment and got distracted by something outside. Then I had to go to the gym and get ritually humiliated in pickleball by a bunch of savage retired women. Then there was lunch and the day just got away from me. So any reference to ‘last night’ should be interpreted as ‘Thursday’.]

Presidential debates in the US have just been awkward Q&A sessions. The moderators ask a question, the candidates give some sort of an answer that may or may not be tangentially related to the question. There’s rarely any real discussion, and to my knowledge there’s never ever been any attempt to persuade their opponent to change their mind.

What we saw last night was…well, I don’t know what the fuck it was. Whatever it was, it was ugly. And the reaction by most of the US political news media to whatever it was, was even uglier. In fact, the news media reaction has been just as fucking stupid as Donald Trump was last night.

How stupid? The New York Times editorial board called for Joe Biden to drop out of the race. Why? Because he gave a poor performance. Which is true; Biden seemed older than usual, and his voice was raspy and congested. He didn’t always give a consistent, reasoned answer to the moderator’s questions. He rambled a bit, he stuttered (the guy has always had a stutter, that’s not unusual for him), and he sometimes strayed from the topic. It was unpleasant to watch.

Trump, on the other hand, was fucking vile. Which is to say, Trump was Trump. Rude. Often incoherent. Insulting. Openly lying in literally almost every comment he made. But he told those lies in a loud, confident voice, as opposed to Biden’s tremulous responses. Trump refused to even attempt to answer the moderator’s questions, while Biden tried to answer them.

But NYT thinks Biden should drop out of the race? Because he’s old and did poorly in a debate? Because he’s a decent, patriotic American, Biden should be willing to sacrifice his presidential career for the good of the nation?

What about the convicted felon and sex pest? The NYT did NOT call for Donald Trump to drop out of the race. In (grudging) defense of the NYT, there’s no point in suggesting Trump drop out for the good of the nation, because he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the good of the nation. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anything but his ownself. Trump is a fucking cancerous tumor; the only way he’ll leave the political body if he’s surgically excised.

Trump mugging democracy

This is a seriously risky moment in US history. The Republican Party has become an authoritarian White Christian Nationalist party, openly hostile to the very concept of representative democracy. That’s bad enough, but we also have what is essentially a rogue Supreme Court. In the last couple of weeks alone, SCOTUS has decided that 1) homeless people can be banned from sleeping outside even if there’s no other place for them to sleep, 2) random judges should have more control over the environment, public health, workplace safety & consumer protections than expert regulators, 3) public officials can accept ‘gratuities’ from wealthy businesses for favorable decisions AFTER the decision is made (but not before the decision is made, because that would be bribery), and 4) that obstructing or impeding an official proceeding only applies if you destroy records or documents, not if you violently disrupt Congress by breaking in and threatening members of Congress. (We still don’t know how SCOTUS feels about presidential immunity for criminal acts, but I’ve got no confidence in them doing what is obviously right.)

Joe Biden is NOT an ideal candidate. I mean, his role in enabling the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank is, to me, incomprehensible and unforgivable. But I’ll vote for the guy because he IS the Democratic candidate. I’ll vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is because fuck Trump and the GOP. Fuck them in the neck.

8 thoughts on “well, that was something

  1. Yep. Glad to hear a voice of reason on this. I mean, nothing has changed since before the debate. Biden has done a good job of running the country, saving us from Trump’s leftover disasters and promoting some new, positive programs (apart from the Gaza thing, about which I agree with you), and Trump is still a felon, a bully, a liar, a convicted felon…. The choice is pretty clear. And the Dems need to quit panicking and get with the program, because changing horses in midstream is NOT a good idea this year.


    • It’s a tad surprising that in all the fuss and bother over Biden’s poor debate showing, everybody seems to be overlooking the fact that in another week and a half, Trump will be sentence in court on 34 felony convictions.

      A single felony conviction is a bigger deal that a poor 90 minute debate. And 34 convictions? MUCH bigger.


  2. The NYT has always sucked. 100 years ago, people were complaining about the NYT. That said, I do subscribe to the Times because I like their coverage of the Arts, Fashion, & other non-political issues. I don’t get this kind of coverage in my local (Buffalo) newspaper. (The Buffalo News used to be a GREAT newspaper but it’s barely a newspaper now. I get delivery mostly to have something to put the cat turds into).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, the actual reportage of NYT has been pretty good. And the Arts section is rightly highly considered (although I haven’t read it in years, since I canceled my subscription). But the Editorial section has been so offensive and wrong-headed and stupid that it’s hard to pass it off as accidental.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. SCOTUS. Most peculiar acronym. I can’t see it without adding the R, which arguably is more appropriate given the list of wholly untenable powers it’s trying to give itself.

    I was relieved to see a better performance from Joe the next day. I think his team pushed him to hard on the rehearsals. He was too busy trying to remember all the numbers and script they had stuffed him with.

    I just can’t bear to think about the world with another Trump term. Putin would be unstoppable. Americans have a grave responsibility to the world right now and I don’t think a lot of them are capable of understanding that. Present company excepted of course.

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